Copyright and related right authors/owners/holders, for the purpose of securing material evidence, have the optional choice to deposit copies of their works and/or subject matter of related rights with the competent republic authority.
The copies of works and subject matter of related rights that are deposited have to be in the form of a written document (manuscript, printed text, musical score), sound, visual or audio-visual recording or in digital form.
The competent republic authority will keep records for each type of works of authorship and subject matter of related rights (register books).
When a work of authorship or subject matter of protection through related rights is being deposited and entered into records, the owner/holder of the copyright or related right concerned is obliged to provide true and complete data about his work of authorship and subject matter of protection through related right.
The data in the records are deemed true until proven otherwise.
Any bona fide person, who has infringed somebody else’s copyright or related right while relying on the accuracy of the data in the records, will not be liable for damages for such infringement.
The entering in records and depositing of the copies of works of authorship and subject matter of related rights, does not in any way affect the commencement and duration of the rights laid down by Law.